Jacob Parks

Partner, COO, and
Managing Director

Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE)

Jacob Parks is the COO of Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE), and has led growth and operations in the company for 17 years. Parks headed the research team on How Clients Buy, interviewing more than 100 rainmakers at expert services companies, including consultants at Accenture, McKinsey, Baker Tilly, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, and KPMG.

Parks moderates a peer group of middle-market consulting firm CMOs, including CLJ, AT Kearney, Segal, and Simpson Thatcher. Additionally, he has facilitated executive roundtable discussions on behalf of CFOs and COOs representing the largest companies across the globe.

Parks has taught as an adjunct professor of business at the Jake Jabs School of Entrepreneurship at Montana State University where he did his undergraduate work. He is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree at Gonzaga School of Business. Parks has published research in academic journals on the topic of driving successful innovation in large corporations.

Parks serves on the board of the Spokane Community Colleges Foundation. He and his wife live in Spokane, Washington.