• Intapp Assist
  • Intapp DealCloud
  • Intapp Time
  • Intapp Walls

Key takeaways from Intapp Amplify

What you missed at Intapp’s premier event

Recently, Intapp hosted the first-ever Intapp Amplify — a premier event where we previewed the latest advancements in our AI-powered solutions. Attendees enjoyed product demos, networking opportunities, and curated sessions led by Intapp experts and industry peers.

We’re revolutionizing enterprise technology so your firm can unlock unprecedented growth potential — and we don’t want you to miss out on the exciting product innovations we shared. Keep reading for key takeaways from the Intapp Amplify keynote, or watch the full keynote recording.

The growth AI framework

Thad Jampol, Chief Product Officer at Intapp, opened the keynote by introducing the growth AI framework — a framework for influencing growth in your firm, which also guides our product roadmap.

This framework identifies four key requirements for influencing growth:

  • AI-assisted growth workflows 
    • First, we apply AI directly into the core growth workflows that your professionals use every day.  
  • Behavioral influence
    • Second, modern behavioral-science techniques are embedded in the workflows, which drive small, incremental improvements by nudging your professionals to modify their behaviors.
  • Leadership orchestration
    • Third, leaders can monitor and fine-tune the AI to meet the firm’s strategic needs based on market trends, clients, or investments. Leaders also have insight into which professionals are engaging with the AI, along with their quantified outcomes and improvements.
  • Data foundation
    • Finally, this framework needs to be executed using your firm’s data. This includes data related to your firm’s deal history, relationships, and experiences. It turns previously scattered data into a seamless, strategic resource.

This framework helps answer growth-minded questions for your firm so you can get ahead. These questions include:

  • Where is my growth coming from?
  • How do I spend more time doing that?
  • Where are my best origination opportunities?
  • How do we better leverage the full firm for growth?

You’ll see this framework carried through in the new solutions we share below, which are designed to take advantage of the opportunities that already exist in your business.

We are at a special moment. It’s this intersection between the growth imperative and the AI revolution. And we believe — and a lot of industry leaders believe too — that the firms that can most effectively bring together AI and the right data to bring growth are going to be the new winners.


New product innovations

Intapp leaders also announced several new product innovations inspired by the growth AI framework. These innovations include:

  • An enhanced user experience
  • New Intapp Time
  • Intapp Walls for AI
  • Smart tags and AI Prompt Studio
  • Intapp Assist origination
  • Intapp DealCloud Activator

Enhanced user experience

The enhanced Intapp user experience helps you focus on what matters most 

Our clients requested an innovative user experience (UX) across our products, and we’ve delivered. Improvements include:

  • A clear visual hierarchy
    • Reduced visual clutter, and highlights of the most important information and actions, help you focus on what matters most.
  • Faster, more intelligent interactions
    • The experience includes rapid loading, quicker search results, and powerful AI to assist you at key moments throughout your workflow.
  • Relationship management upgrades
    • Updated contact photos, company logos, and relationship strength scores help you interpret data at a glance.

The goal was to remove the friction from the products so your professionals can spend more time on what they do best.


New Intapp Time

The new quick add feature in Intapp Time makes time entry faster and easier 

Coming this summer, Intapp Time users can enjoy a transformed product. Updates include: 

  • A new, modern web experience
    • Equips fee earners with a modern, personalized, and simplified user interface for timekeeping
  • New generative AI features
    • Enables faster, easier time entry with new generative AI features like quick add
  • A better user experience and outcome
    • Results in higher-quality time entries while boosting client satisfaction and firm growth

The best part? Clients using the cloud-based version of Intapp Time will be able to take advantage of these updates immediately after they’re released — no time-consuming product upgrades or migration required.

Intapp Walls for AI

Intapp Walls for AI identifies information that’s at risk of being overshared

Our new product, Intapp Walls for AI, provides the following benefits:  

  • Centralized policies respected by AI
    • Create, manage, and enforce consistent information barriers that generative AI tools will adhere to across firm systems.
  • Content access controls
    • Control content access based on related deals and engagements as well as assigned users.
  • Data oversharing protection
    • Confidently deploy generative AI tools using dashboards that help uncover information that’s at risk of being overshared.

Intapp Assist smart tags and AI Prompt Studio. These new features, which are part of Intapp Assist for DealCloud, offer:

  • Automated knowledge management
    • Smart tags increase data completeness and accessibility by ensuring that client intelligence from emails and meeting notes is linked to the right records.
  • Customized AI insights
    • AI Prompt Studio lets you configure AI prompts so your professionals can receive insights aligned with their roles and your firm’s unique strategy.
  • Industry-specific AI built for your firm
    • Intapp’s vertical AI delivers tailored, compliant, context-aware insights designed for investors and advisors

Intapp Assist origination

The Intapp Assist origination feature provides advanced search functionality that helps you quickly discover high-value opportunities.

Intapp Assist can now help you originate deals. The new origination feature provides:

  • Smarter deal sourcing
    • Leverage AI-powered Explorer and tailored recommendations to identify high-value opportunities faster.
  • Unified data
    • Discover more deals with integrated proprietary, third-party, and Intapp market intelligence.
  • End-to-end origination
    • Eliminate data siloes by building, managing, and acting on dynamic target lists — all within DealCloud.

Intapp DealCloud Activator

DealCloud Activator delivers AI-powered nudges that help lawyers prioritize business development efforts 

Built on the research underpinning the forthcoming book The Activator Advantage, Intapp DealCloud Activator is an AI-enabled growth solution that gives law firms the tools they need to build, scale, and apply the most successful business development (BD) behaviors. With DealCloud Activator, firms can:

  • Enable strategic growth
    • DealCloud Activator helps lawyers prioritize effective business development (BD) activities across the client lifecycle with tailored, AI-powered insights and nudges.
  • Unlock a firmwide relationship ecosystem
    • DealCloud Activator enhances collaboration, cross-selling, and lateral integration by transforming individual connections into a firmwide network.
  • Lead with a data-driven approach
    • DealCloud Activator provides real-time analytics that help firm leaders track lawyer performance and align BD and coaching efforts with firm objectives.

There’s no better investment we can make than helping our Activators be more successful.


Drive growth with Intapp

Intapp and industry leaders agree — we are in a period of high growth. As Anna Faelten, Partner, Mergers and Acquistions, Technology, Media and Telecommunications at Ernst & Young said, “The winners are going to be tech-enabled and are going to go a lot faster.”

We’re committed to making your firm a winner. To learn more about how the products and features in this article can help you drive growth, watch the Intapp Amplify keynote.

There’s really not a better strategic provider than Intapp.