• Legal

ILTACON 2021: Build a Connected Firm with Intapp

Since our founding in 2000, Intapp has grown tremendously both in size and the way we support the professional and financial services industries. Originally offering an integration platform to help connect systems and data, Intapp now provides a plethora of solutions — from risk management software to timekeeping technology — to more than 1,900 client firms around the globe.

During ILTACON 2021, Dan Tacone, President and Chief Client Officer at Intapp, reflected on how far the company has come. “Today, Intapp is regarded as one of the leading risk providers serving law firms globally,” said Tacone. As he celebrated all that we’ve accomplished in the last 20 years, Tacone also acknowledged that the journeys of both Intapp and our clients are far from over, especially as the legal industry faces the challenges of a post-pandemic market.

“The vision of being a connected firm has really heightened in the last year and a half,” said Tacone. To help firms make this vision a reality, Intapp achieved three key milestones in 2021:

By meeting these milestones, Intapp is better prepared to help our clients create a connected firm strategy and meet the evolving needs and demands within their industries.

Connecting Data and Supporting Lawyers

Building a connected firm is essential for organizations that wish to remain competitive in the legal industry. Without a single source of truth, it can be difficult to collect and review data around strategy, budgeting, client relationships, and other key factors that affect a firm’s performance. The data may become siloed or lost, leaving the firm unable to deliver matters efficiently.

“To really move the needle for any major firm initiatives, the data needs to be right, and that can only be done when it’s connected,” explained Thad Jampol, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Intapp. “It’s critical to understand the full connected picture of a client relationship, for example, to assess its strategic value and determine which teams are needed to engage and drive further interactions.”

In addition to connecting data, firms must ensure they also meet the needs of their professionals. Lawyers require a specialized data architecture to successfully manage and analyze the many complex relationships they have with clients, outside counsel, and other professionals within their networks. Lawyers also need to be able to easily connect with their own team members so they can efficiently collaborate on matters and projects.

Finding technology that addresses all these requirements can be difficult, and getting an entire firm to adopt that technology can be even tougher. That’s why we developed Intapp.

“Intapp is a cloud-based platform purpose-built for the sophisticated needs of law firms to ensure processes are seamlessly interconnected, teams are coordinated, and data is centralized,” said Jampol. “Intapp solutions are built on a sophisticated data framework and an industry graph data model that creates a single source of truth from across the client engagement lifecycle that gets shared across all of its components.”

Intapp also offers implementation services and works closely with our Intapp Certified Implementation Partners to help you and your firm deploy and adopt our solutions. Our experts ensure that your firm is set up for success and able to leverage all the benefits of your investment.

Addressing Your Specific Needs with Intapp

Intapp consists of four suites, each of which target specific audiences:

Intapp and its individual suites offer several benefits to professional services firms, including AI-based capabilities embedded in our solutions to provide insights and inform decision-making. Users gain full visibility into matter financials, relationships, campaigns, and other strategic information.

“There are four key elements that make up the Intapp platform,” said Jose Lazares, Senior Vice President of Product and Business Management at Intapp. These elements include:

  • Professional experience
  • Intelligence and insights
  • Industry-specific unified data
  • Firmwide connectivity

Intapp has helped numerous firms streamline data and processes, improve their digital strategies, and increase profitable delivery. Jampol shared the ways in which three of our client firms — Baker McKenzie, Thompson Coburn, and Winstead — successfully implemented our legal software and how Intapp met their specific needs.

“All of this enterprise data can be tailored into a personalized experience for different audiences, practices, or departments to maximize relevancy and usefulness to them,” said Jampol. “This leads to deeper engagement and, ultimately, value.”

To further support professional services firms, Intapp recently released new technology that provides firms with key insights on matters, improves efficiency within the firm, and drives business.

Introducing New Technology for Collaboration

“Last year, we introduced Engagement DNA™ to classify matters by phase and task data to power our pricing and budgeting application,” said Lazares. “This year, we’re working to surface matter intelligence across the engagement delivery lifecycle.”

Lazares introduced our latest technology, Relationship Intelligence, which offers insights and visualizations to help firms easily spot opportunities and risks.

“Built natively on the Intapp platform, Relationship Intelligence aggregates, scores, measures, and generates client and prospect insights, and recommends actions based on interactions and engagement with your clients and colleagues,” Lazares said.

Lazares also discussed how Intapp and Repstor joined forces to create Intapp Collaboration & Content, a purpose-built platform that allows legal and professional services firms to maximize their investments in Microsoft Office 365. The suite consists of the following products:

  • Intapp Workspaces provides engagement-centric intelligence and automation within Microsoft Teams to enhance collaboration, leading to better business outcomes
  • Intapp Documents orchestrates document management across all content sources for full lifecycle visibility and engagement-centric collaboration.
  • Intapp Client Collaboration boosts client transparency and empowers fee-earners to deliver exceptional client experiences.

“Intapp Collaboration & Content leverages your native Microsoft Office 365 deployment and provides a set of APIs, overlays, and functional enhancements that transforms Microsoft Teams and Microsoft SharePoint into legal-centric solutions,” Lazares explained.

Bryan Ferguson, Practice Group Leader of Intapp Collaboration & Content at Intapp, spoke more about the benefits of firms leveraging their Microsoft Office 365 investments during the Intapp Collaboration & Content demo session.

“Microsoft 365 is an incredibly powerful platform that has unrivaled scalability, security, functionality, and financial investments,” said Ferguson, who pointed out that the use of Microsoft Teams within law firms increased more than 50% in 2020. “The challenge for law firms is taking advantage of the raw potential of this horizontal platform and making it work for specific legal applications.”

Intapp Collaboration & Content helps firms streamline collaboration within Microsoft 365, and makes content management and engagement easier for users. Thanks to the solution’s integration capabilities, lawyers can work in the applications they feel most comfortable with, such as Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint, or Microsoft Outlook. Intapp Collaboration & Content also provides automated matter provisioning, offers key legal capabilities, and — best of all — is deployment ready, ensuring firms can leverage their Microsoft 365 investment quickly and smoothly.

Learn how Intapp can increase efficiency and collaboration within your firm. Schedule a demo today.