• Corporate Legal
  • Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal

True modernization of legal ops begins with a future-proof platform

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When in-house legal operations teams undertake a digital modernization initiative, they usually consider several key factors first, including cost, budget, content security and governance, and ease of adoption. They then tend to focus on addressing their most pressing concerns, such as improving matter tracking and reporting.

Yet forward-looking in-house legal departments must also plan for the future as they develop their modernization strategies. They should ensure that their new solutions include powerful capabilities like advanced analytics and reporting, strategic process automation, and self-service options for clients. When exploring new solutions, compare legal departments should also assess how future-proof — that is, how flexible and adaptable — the available tools are, as well as how frequently their vendors plan to update and invest in them.

Build on your Microsoft 365 investment

Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal holds significant advantages over traditional legal content management systems. It offers a user-friendly interface and automated workflows, and it harnesses Microsoft 365 — a platform most businesses are already using — allowing organizations to maximize their existing investment while minimizing the learning curve for their busy professionals.

Intapp and Microsoft have formed a strategic partnership to accelerate the adoption of cloud technology and deliver the features and functionality corporate legal teams need — both today and in the years to come. Intapp and Microsoft are continuously investing in their technologies, providing users with ever-smarter capabilities and automation options. Legal ops teams, IT departments, and budget holders will benefit from this shared commitment to industry-leading functionality and best practices.

Solve today’s challenges while preparing for tomorrow’s

Together, Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal and Microsoft 365 support intelligent, automated document creation, helping legal teams streamline the creation of accurate contracts, correspondence, and reports. Legal teams can easily and seamlessly tap into these functionalities as part of their everyday matter lifecycle management and reporting, simultaneously improving operations and demonstrating the value of legal ops modernization.

In-house legal ops teams can consider investing in additional Microsoft products to help them achieve both their immediate and long-term goals. SharePoint Syntex, for example, is a Microsoft 365 service that leverages advanced AI and machine teaching to help increase usability, automate content processing, and transform content into knowledge that can be applied to future matters.

There’s also Microsoft Viva, which lets corporate legal teams consolidate learning, insights, communications, and resources on one platform to prevent knowledge silos. The tool offers personal insights into how individuals and teams can boost productivity and engagement, and lets them collaborate with others via the apps and devices they use daily from wherever they’re working.

Intapp also offers additional solutions to help you expand your in-house legal team’s functionality — including detailed time management, client relationship management capabilities, and tools for collaborating securely and dynamically with external partners. Intapp technology likewise leverages AI, allowing corporate legal departments to gain key insights and make better informed decisions.

Learn more about how Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal can support your in-house legal teams.