• Corporate Legal
  • Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal

Improve your corporate legal teams’ Microsoft 365 experience

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Transform Data, an Intapp Certified Implementation Partner, recently held a partner conference. Chris Turk, Regional Vice President of EMEA at Intapp, and Jack Owens, Associate Client Development Director at Intapp, discussed strategy for building a connected firm and explained how Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal enables companywide connection in their corporate legal teams by integrating with their existing Microsoft 365 instance.

As corporate legal teams take on larger workloads, legal professionals must find ways to continue performing their roles as efficiently as possible and demonstrate value to the business. However, remaining efficient and productive can be difficult for teams that work remotely — especially when the business hasn’t invested in collaboration tools and connected software.

Corporate legal teams need to ensure that they can support their distributed teams from wherever, whenever. Cloud-based collaboration technology like Microsoft 365 can help connect your people, processes, and data through its various applications, including:

  • Microsoft Teams — Communicate through chat and video conferences and easily share files with colleagues and clients
  • Microsoft SharePoint — Securely store your data and manage documents in a centralized platform
  • Microsoft Outlook — Easily schedule meetings, manage contacts, and access and organize your messages

Although Microsoft 365 is an excellent collaboration tool, it lacks industry-specific features that corporate legal teams need to efficiently conduct their work, such as out-of-the-box governance and automation, and pre-configured legal solutions. Corporate legal teams can bridge these gaps by implementing Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal, part of the Intapp Collaboration and Content suite.

Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal acts as an additional layer to your Microsoft 365 investment, allowing your legal teams to continue using the Microsoft applications they’re already familiar with. The software streamlines matter instruction, triage, allocation, and ongoing matter management, and integrates with Microsoft 365 apps to help reduce app-switching. For example, you can create matters, share files, view reports, and search for content within Microsoft Outlook rather than having to switch over to SharePoint.

The software also delivers up-to-date reporting, data-driven insights, and analytics so your corporate legal teams can make better-informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of each matter. Your teams can also leverage document automation and workflow capabilities to help move routine matters along smoothly and quickly.

In addition to meeting the needs of your corporate legal teams, Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal fulfills IT and finance requirements. Both Microsoft 365 and Intapp provide enterprise-grade security and promote scalable and secure document and matter management. Furthermore, Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal leverages your existing Microsoft 365 data stores, so you don’t have to worry about costly proprietary cloud storage. And by leveraging the power of Microsoft 365 and Intapp, you can support your corporate legal team’s needs without having to invest additional resources in a separate legal document management platform.

Cloud-based tools like Microsoft 365 and Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal also have a high return on investment: By utilizing cloud technology, businesses don’t have to pay for hardware or server maintenance costs. IT resources also don’t have to worry about manual updates, and can instead focus their time and efforts on innovation and strategic initiatives.

Schedule a demo to learn more about Intapp Documents for Corporate Legal, and learn how Intapp Certified Implementation Partners like Transform Data can help you successfully deploy Intapp technology.