• Professional Services
  • Intapp DealCloud

5 ways generative AI can help your professionals work more effectively 

For professionals at advisory, legal, and capital market firms, generative AI can be transformative. Through capabilities like summarization, data capture, and auto-population, AI can save team members valuable time and give them the most accurate information at their fingertips. 

Given the transformative nature of AI for professionals, it’s not surprising that, in the Intapp Tech Perceptions Survey of professionals, 91% of respondents indicated they want to use AI at work. 

Below we take a closer look at five of the top advantages generative AI can bring to professionals at partner-led firms. 

1. Generative AI enables more efficient workflows 

After a professional completes a task in a workflow, AI-powered tools can automatically guide the next team member by summarizing the previous task and the action that should follow. 

In contrast, without AI capabilities, professionals have to spend time drafting notes or emails and manually summarizing what they’ve done before passing the project to the next team member. Then the next team member has to review the workflow history to learn what actions have already been taken and what they need to do next. When AI instead takes care of these mundane tasks, professionals can complete and bill for their work more quickly. 

2. AI-powered zero entry improves data quality and firmwide intelligence 

Many firms struggle to maintain accurate data across firm systems. Intapp survey data also shows that professionals waste valuable time logging into as many as four internal or external apps, systems, and/or platforms each day to do their work. Given the need for manual entry into these systems, human error is all too common and leads to unreliable, out-of-date information. 

With zero-entry capabilities, AI enters the data on your professionals’ behalf, leaving your team members with “zero data” to type in. As a result, your firm information systems stay up to date with minimal time and effort. Your professionals can then confidently rely on your CRM and other information systems as sources of firmwide intelligence. 

3. Generative AI helps your professionals save time on meeting prep and review 

AI can help your professionals save time both before and after meetings through summarization. According to the 2024 Technology Perceptions Survey Report, 76% of respondents said they are interested in using AI for data summarization, such as creating meeting minutes or meeting action items. 

AI can facilitate meeting preparation by summarizing information relevant to the meeting — such as conversations other team members have had with the client, client news, or news about the client’s industry.  

This AI-assisted meeting prep saves your professionals the time and hassle of scouring internal and external systems, and reduces the risk that they might miss a key piece of information. 

AI can also generate concise meeting transcripts and summaries, keeping key details and next steps top of mind. 

4. Generative AI makes outreach faster and more effective 

Just as AI can provide your professionals with important context for meetings, it can also supply information that informs the development of targeted, timely outreach emails. 

When your professionals select a contact to email, the right AI technology can auto-populate the following information:  

  • Recent firm interactions with the contact  
  • Relationships the contact has with other firm members 

AI can also use this context to draft a personalized email message that, for example, mentions the recent call the contact had with a senior partner. 

These capabilities help your professionals reach out to clients and targets faster and more effectively through personalized, highly relevant content. 

5. AI-powered relationship intelligence supports targeted business development 

Another valuable use case for AI is providing professionals with a steady stream of intelligence about clients and contacts. For example, AI can notify your professionals when one of their contacts has been promoted or moves to a new company. If the new company is one your firm wants to do business with, this notification can support business development. This is just one of the many ways AI-powered relationship insights can strengthen business development.

Realize the benefits of AI with Intapp Assist for DealCloud 

Your firm can gain these specific AI capabilities with Intapp Assist for DealCloud. If you’d like to see how the AI in Intapp DealCloud can accelerate and improve operations at your firm, please schedule a demo