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The top benefits of collaboration software for accounting and consulting firms

  • Accounting
  • Consulting
  • Intapp Workspaces
  • Brendan Ridge

    Global Vice President,
    Practice Group Lead for Collaboration

Intapp Workspaces helps accounting and consulting firms transition to modern ways of working. By using this advanced firm collaboration tool, your professionals can better manage Microsoft Teams governance, workspace provisioning, and client collaboration. In addition,...

The need for speed: Help your transaction advisory teams stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market (and discover why even the best CRM software for accounting isn’t enough)

  • Accounting
  • Intapp DealCloud
  • Joe Pensa

    Practice Group Leader for DealCloud,
    Accounting and Consulting

As dealmakers navigate today’s challenging environment, financial due diligence has become more important than ever. At critical stages of a deal, potential buyers rely heavily on transaction advisory services (TAS)...