When the Legal Value Network (LVN) announced its formation in March 2020, many worried that this was the wrong time to start a new organization for firm business leaders. But many of us discovered that this is the best time to do it. According to P3 and LVN co-founder, Perkins Coie’s Chief Practice Management Officer Toby Brown, starting a new organization in the midst of a global crisis may seem “a little nuts;” but it turns out to be incredibly well-timed for the industry as many are in need of community, collaboration, and camaraderie (now more than ever) to help manage the major shifts that continue to present themselves across people, companies, and law firms.
LVN recently held two webinars by way of introducing the new forum. The first set the tone that personifies its intention and laid the groundwork for the road ahead. Those of us joining — a true cross-section of law firm leadership, corporate legal, and industry thought leaders – were treated to a realistic and candid discussion, sharing immediate experiences in this emerging economic and global crisis. Throughout this genuine conversation, commonalities emerged around the impact on legal teams, personnel and processes. Audrey Rubin of Rubin Solutions said, “If there was ever a time for process improvement and better communication, this is it.” The webinar spotlighted realistic facts over conjecture, and for me, drove home the three C’s: community, collaboration, and camaraderie.
The second LVN webinar turned inward to discuss and expand on the event, membership offerings and web portal – super helpful to view a guided tour of LVN’s pillars and already existing site content and growing resources. The themes remained consistent and reinforced: authenticity from the board members, a desire to share best practices across the range of current and future members and calls to actions (for everyone, anyone) to submit ideas and concepts.
Intapp was invited at the inception to participate as a founding sponsor – having played a supporting role in the former P3 organization. It’s clear that our collective opportunity to mix, mingle, and contribute will be unlike any other organization of this style. As a vendor, it is exciting and refreshing to help grow and establish LVN — as it is intended for the rapidly emerging, mission-critical underpinnings of law firms and their clients. My personal thanks to the LVN Board and founders for forging ahead now, and creating this new ecosystem when it is needed most. Bravo!
To learn more about how firm business leaders are reacting to the current environment and Intapp’s response to help firms navigate major shifts in the legal landscape, watch our Intapp Connect on-demand webinar replay.