Olivia Morran Ferris – our November Intapp hero – is a true business partner and leader, always pushing the status quo and helping realize the potential of Intapp’s solutions to help achieve Capstone’s objectives. Olivia brings a positive energy and attitude to all situations despite how hard or challenging something may be.
“One of the things that really strikes me about Olivia is her curiosity and her intellect to always learn and push the status quo, whether that be working with DealCloud, looking at the entire tech infrastructure and stack that Capstone Headwaters is working with, or even developing professional groups for diversity or other women’s networks.” – Kelly Catalane, Associate Director, Intapp
Always going above and beyond, Olivia sets a high bar; developing professional groups that promote diversity and creating women’s networks to benefit the larger landscape.
Thank you, Olivia, for your invaluable contribution to Capstone as well as the broader professional and financial services industry.
We want to hear your #IntappHero stories: Nominate an Intapp employee, client, partner — or a team of them — for exceeding your expectations.