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Diversity and Inclusion: Technology and Data Help Firms Move Beyond Performative Allyship and Tackle Unconscious Bias

“You just need more experience in the construction industry. It’ll help you build more credibility with our clients,” quipped Richard to Karin, failing to recognize her repeated attempts to seek...

Meet our November Intapp Employee Heroes, Maria Starkova and Oksana Panicheva

  • Professional Services

[video_embed video_url="" image_url=" "] Maria Starkova and Oksana Panicheva – our November Intapp heroes – are part of our Solutions Engineer team. Intapp’s client, Allyson Drysdale, Senior Marketing Manager, Finnegan, nominated both Maria and Oksana for their client...

Meet our November Intapp Client Hero, Olivia Morran Ferris

  • Professional Services

[video_embed video_url="" image_url=""] Olivia Morran Ferris – our November Intapp hero – is a true business partner and leader, always pushing the status quo and helping realize the potential of Intapp’s solutions to help achieve Capstone’s objectives. Olivia brings a positive energy and...