• Real Assets
  • Intapp DealCloud

Real estate investment management is complex – your technology platform should rise to the task

Commercial real estate investment is often a complicated web of interconnected relationships, deals, properties, and more. Managing all of these data points effectively, in a way that drives performance and efficiency, requires a more dynamic and sophisticated approach than the linear model between a buyer and seller that we’ve grown accustomed to using.

Relationships with investors, co-investors, lenders, lawyers, partners, brokers, and tenants represent just one facet of data that needs to be managed for investments. And deals that were reviewed in the past have the potential to provide insight for future opportunities – if you have the right background and context to learn from them. Not to mention, we live in a fast-paced world where key data points are easily forgotten if not input in real time.

Technology like DealCloud has allowed us to act upon data in ways that were never before possible, creating endless opportunities to improve overall performance and drive efficiency. Trying to manage the multitude of data points and relationships that are increasingly required for success in real estate, however, means we need a customized platform – otherwise data quickly becomes incomprehensible. While it doesn’t change the work you do, acting on available data creates meaningful advantages.

To better understand the way real estate fund managers, operators, and REITs work with DealCloud to do exactly this, Amit Lalwani (SVP of Global Business Development) and Max Haskin (Head of Client Solutions) recently hosted a webinar that took viewers through the DealCloud solution and showed how it is being utilized within the world of real estate investment. Below are some of the key points that came up during the discussion.

“Data is paramount! It’s importance cannot be overstated. Relationships are no longer linear and as our world has become more complex, better solutions that can make sense of all this data are required.”

DealCloud was designed to meet the intricate needs of dealmakers, specifically within the real estate market. While many solutions in existence were created to keep track of data points in a linear, one-to-one relationship, DealCloud was purpose-built for the more realistic lives that we live. For example, there is value in knowing the status of deals you have with certain partners and what the history of those relationships looks like. Additionally, while you may have declined certain investment opportunities in the past, it’s important to know what affected your decision if similar prospects reappear in the future.

The DealCloud platform offers an unprecedented level of potential insight and brings disparate but relevant data points all into one place. This is perhaps one of most profound benefits for real estate investors. Within DealCloud, users can tag nearly any data point that matters to them, including source of the deal, partners that were involved, sector, geography, etc. They can then reverse engineer and review other deals based on a certain tag once it is in the system. For example, when entering details for a partner that correspond with one deal, users can then run a search for that specific partner based on the tag that was created, and gain access to historical information on other deals that also pertains to them.

In addition to filters and tagging, custom reports that include different information for different teams can also be created and scheduled for distribution at various times. This allows users to send the most relevant information to certain people at specific times and can be automatically distributed on a regular cadence. The entire platform is bespoke to custom needs and can be organized in a way that offers the most efficiency.

“The custom reporting feature has been a game changer! During Monday morning pipeline meetings, many people are not looking at the same status report. But looking at the same data makes the process of reviewing deals incredibly much more efficient.”

One of the concerns that often arises with data management, however, is the potential for data duplication and the need to maintain clean data. This important concern has been addressed within the DealCloud platform, as it runs automatic duplicate checks to ensure data hygiene and accuracy.

Lastly, real estate investors can access the DealCloud platform in three important ways: the online web portal, our mobile app, and through a Microsoft Office plugin. The Microsoft functionality is among the most utilized ways of accessing the platform as all data points that are managed through the core web portal can also be updated when checking email. When working in Outlook for example, users can identify contacts that are already in the system, who they are associated with, and how they should be tagged. This allows them to input information in real time when using applications on which they are already active. In addition, our Android and iOS compatible mobile app ensures updates can be made on-the-go in any environment.

While real estate investment is a complex environment that increasingly requires digital sophistication, the DealCloud platform is purpose-built to manage these complexities and equip investors with the right tools to make informed, actionable decisions.

To access a recording of the “Inside DealCloud: Best Practices for Managing Real Estate Transactions, Pipelines, and Properties” webinar, click here.

To learn more about the DealCloud platform for Real Estate investors, schedule a demo.