Case study

How Evolem manages 1,000+ deals and projects in Intapp DealCloud

  • Financial services
  • Intapp DealCloud

Prior to implementing DealCloud, the Evolem team leveraged spreadsheets to manage their pipeline and relationship data. As the firm grew, its partners knew they needed to evolve past relying on conversations with colleagues for knowledge-sharing, moving toward a model that would allow the firm to centrally store data and make information accessible to all necessary users across the firm. Evolem leaders realized the firm’s spreadsheets were not sophisticated enough for the complex relationship and deal structures of the private equity team. After evaluating numerous generic CRM providers, the team understood they needed technology that was purpose-built for private equity industry professionals. This business need led them to implement DealCloud.

Below, we offer an in-depth case study that showcases how Evolem manages its pipeline and relationships more effectively leveraging DealCloud’s technology.