Simplify your firm’s compliance with the new AML/CTF law changes

Power unified AML due diligence and client onboarding with Intapp

Prepare for Australia’s AML/CTF law changes

Is your law firm getting ready for the new anti-money-laundering (AML) requirements that go into effect in Australia in 2026? Intapp Conflicts and Intapp Intake can help you prepare for and achieve compliance. Together, they provide the most comprehensive, trusted solution for identifying the AML and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) risks of working with prospective or existing clients.

Built on decades of expertise and best practices developed by working with firms around the world, these two tools make it faster and easier to assess client risk, open matters, and demonstrate compliance.

Risk and AML scoring

Define risk-based criteria to automatically score and apply approval or escalation routing.

Ongoing monitoring

Get alerts about evolving client and market conditions via third-party data integrations.

Proof of compliance

Provide audit trails and reports consistent with firm and regulatory requirements.

Secure data collection

Offer a unique, external login environment to collect data directly from clients.

Approximately 68% of law firms surveyed by Intapp say they've had third parties review, question or analyse their firm’s AML practices.

Among the things these insurers, auditors and others reviewed were whether the firm:

  • Has a policy in place
  • Follows and enforces its policies
  • Can provide reports demonstrating AML and customer due diligence (CDD) findings

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Speak with an industry expert

Discover how Intapp can partner with you to set up an AML/CTF compliance process customised for your needs.