Deal marketing solution for financial and professional services firms.  

Intapp Assist for DealCloud: Applied outreach

Create client emails that convert with AI-powered insights and drafts

Fast-track email outreach with AI

Save time on email outreach with DealCloud’s applied outreach feature, which uses AI to generate personalized emails that drive better response rates.

How it works

Select recipients

Choose the DealCloud contact or contacts you want to email.

Guide the AI

Select from predefined email templates, or provide instructions to the AI to generate custom content.

View contextual insights

See AI-surfaced insights on selected recipients, including interactions, relationship history, and news.

Review and send

Review the AI-generated draft, personalized to each contact based on recent interactions and news, then edit as needed.

Analyze performance

Monitor email opens and track engagement metrics in real time.

Tailored emails for every industry

Business development

Plan and schedule business travel and roadshows.

Mergers and acquisitions

Draw interest from potential buyers during the sell-side process.

Investor relations and fundraising

Target investors during fundraising, communicate about deals, and manage investor relationships.

See applied outreach in action.

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